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PEAC Forensics

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Peac Forensics is een van Peac Infinitums filiaalmaatskappye wat al jou behoeftes in die forensiese sektor aan jou kan voorsien. Van die beste DNS-stelsels tot Gun Control-sagteware, ons het alles wat jy nodig het. 

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Projek tina

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Projectina ontwerp en vervaardig gevorderde forensiese dokument-ondersoekstelsels vir valuta, paspoorte en ander bevraagde dokumente. Sy wye reeks kyk- en ontledingstelsels maak voorsiening vir beide klein agentskappe en groot fasiliteite. PEAC Forensic is 'n herverkoper van Projectina se produkte.


ANDE Vinnige DNA-stelsel

In staat om 'n DNS-ID binne 90 minute te verskaf vir 'n buccale deppermonster, en 106 minute vir 'n misdaadtoneelmonster, bied die ANDE DNS-stelsel 'n reeks voordele aan Britse wetstoepassing, naamlik;

➔ Vinnige identifikasie van verdagtes;

➔ Dinamiese koverte polisiëringondersteuning;

➔ Vinnige tydondersteuning vir intelligensie-geleide polisiëring;

➔ Voorkoming van verdere oortredings;

➔ Ondersteuning vir vinnig bewegende hoëprofielondersoeke;

➔ Ondersteuning vir die bekamping van terrorisme-operasies;

➔ Disaster Victim Identification (DVI);

➔ Verminderde koste vir die polisie;

➔ Verhoogde publieke tevredenheid en vertroue in die polisie.

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Vuur siklus

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FireCycle is 'n veilige, webgebaseerde, vuurwapendatabestuursoplossing wat polisiemagte en regeringsinstansies in staat stel om die lewe van 'n vuurwapen na te spoor vanaf die vervaardiging daarvan tot die uiteindelike vernietiging daarvan. FireCycle kan ook in samewerking met 'n nasionale wettige toetsvuurprogram funksioneer om burgerlike en diensvuurwapens doeltreffend te bestuur - vaslegging en verslagdoening van noodsaaklike data waartoe toegang verkry kan word in  Vinnige tyd.

FireCycle kan in drie verskillende areas van vuurwapen-lewensiklusbestuur gebruik word, naamlik:

➔ Die registrasie van burgerlike vuurwapens.

➔ Die lewensiklusbestuur van diensvuurwapenvoorraad (bv. polisiemagte, gewapende magte, sekuriteitsmaatskappye).

➔ Die bestuur van verlore en gesteelde vuurwapens.



The SelectaDNA product range consists of a number of solutions containing a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals. Each DNA code used in the SelectaDNA products is completely unique so that every marking kit and spray canister we supply has its very own forensic signature. SelectaDNA products contain real DNA but are referred to as “Synthetic” to differentiate it from Human DNA. SelectaDNA is simply a series of unique combinations of A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine) and T (Thymine). The synthetic DNA used in SelectaDNA is short-chain, making it far more robust than human DNA. The details of the code are then recorded on the SelectaDNA Police and Insurance approved database so that a code found on an asset or person can be identified back to a specific owner or location. The SelectaDNA code can be deciphered by a molecular genetic laboratory which has been supplied with a SelectaDNA reagent kit designed to detect and analyse SelectaDNA samples.





Analyzing complex food/water samples for drugs, pesticides or mycotoxins, or equally challenging human/animal urine, saliva, or serum samples for poisons or drugs, is a demanding application. TargetScreener HR is a powerful solution based upon accurate mass analysis with Bruker QTOF systems and highly curated databases (over 2800 compounds) to ensure reporting false positives (or false negatives) is minimized. Obtaining highly accurate quantitative data is also assured with TargetScreener HR.



Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts!


Mede Reg:  2008/229474/23

BTW Reg No:  4490254812


Tel: 078 177 7824

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